Church Contacts
The commitment of the staff and leadership at St. Paul United Church of Christ is at the heart of what makes us a living, thriving church. They are dedicated to serving the community and strengthening the impact of our church on people’s lives. If you need us, please reach out using the contact information provided below.
Ministerial Staff:
Pastor: Rev. Darryl L. Carr…………………………………………………………………… (336) 264-3653
Minister George Brown…………………………………………………………………….... (252) 492-9325
Deacon Ministry:
Deacons’ Ministry Chair: Thomas Brown......………………………..…………….. (252) 492-0945
Deaconess Ministry:
Deaconess’ Ministry Chair: Carolyn Plummer………………………………........ (252) 433-0519
Deaconess’ Ministry Vice Chair: Jacqueline Cheek……………………………… (252) 431-0466
Executive Board of Directors:
Executive Board of Directors Chair: Thomas Brown…………………………… (252) 492-0945
Trustee Ministry:
Trustees Ministry Chair: Dennis Brown………………………………………………. (252) 492-9130
Church Secretary/Clerk: Alfreda Murphy…………………………………………… (919) 685-0171
Financial Secretary: Deaconess Jacqueline Cheek................................... (252) 431-0466
Assistant Financial Secretary: Stephanie Brown...................................... (252) 492-9130
Treasurer: Diana Bobbitt............................................................................. (252) 492-9160
Parliamentarian: Robert Gregory............................................................... (252) 492-5850